Author Wacław BrzeżulskiReading 1 minViews10Published by
No, you generally cannot win a sweepstakes without entering. Sweepstakes are governed by strict rules and legal regulations that require participants to actively enter the contest, either by submitting a form, purchasing a product (in some cases), or using an alternate method of entry.
For it to be a legitimate sweepstakes, all entrants must have an equal chance of winning, and random selection is typically used from the pool of entries.
If you didn’t officially enter a sweepstakes, you are not part of the entry pool, and as a result, you’re not eligible to win. If you receive a notification of winning a sweepstakes you never entered, it is likely a scam. Be cautious of such unsolicited win notifications, as scammers often use fake prize announcements to steal personal information or money.
Legitimate sweepstakes always provide clear rules about how to enter, eligibility criteria, and how winners will be selected and contacted.